Risk-Based Internal Audit

The need for a strong and independent internal audit has never been greater but finding the right range of skills can be difficult.
Working with our Risk Advisory Practice provides you with a range of solutions, giving you a depth and breadth of skills, whilst retaining the flexibility to focus on and address the commercial realities.

Risk-Based Internal Audit is implemented to keep pace with changing and increasingly sophisticated technology, the changing risk profile of organizations, and increasing service level expectations, the old compliance method of auditing has been replaced with a more sophisticated risk-based and risk driven planning and auditing perspective.

RiBIA allows the auditors to concentrate their resources on the risky areas transactions thus increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of audits.

Our methodology has been designed to be sufficiently flexible to either be used as the sole methodology on an assignment or to be compatible with a client’s existing methodology. our approach is structured in five sections, reflecting the key phases in planning and delivering the internal audit service. These are:

Engagement planning

Assignment planning and execution


Quality assurance

Client relationship management

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